
Jumaa (Friday) Prayer

Please note that the two jumaa schedule has been postponed. With the opening of the new Bilal Mosque, WCM is assessing whether the two jumaas are necessary.  Please keep posted through the website or facebook page. Thank you!

Jumaa (Friday) prayer is one of the main services organized by WCM. A diverse group of experienced, local khateebs lead the prayer in rotation. The khateebs are all volunteers and they do their best to prepare and deliver khutbahs that are uplifting and educational. You are welcome to give feedback on khutbahs or offer suggestions for topics by submitting the form below.


Ismael Mukhtar
Muhiadin Omar
Idris Elbakri
Muaaz Jutt
Idris Knapp


The khutbah begins at 1:45 p.m. when daylight savings time is in effect and at 12:45 p.m. when it is not. 


Please note that while WCM assigns khateebs who have demonstrated a commitment to the vision which we espouse, we cannot assume liability for specific opinions expressed by individual khateebs.

Jumaa (Friday) Khutbah Suggestion Form:

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Prayer Schedule

Adhan Salat
Fajr 6:16 AM 6:30 AM
Dhuhr 1:38 PM 2:00 PM
Asr 4:50 PM 5:15 PM
Maghrib 7:34 PM 7:44 PM
Isha 9:01 PM 9:15 PM


7:45 AM

Jumaa (Friday)Prayer

1:45 PM  2:15 PM

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